11 - 20 of 109 articles
category "Solid Science"

Olympic Mind: An International Special Issue on The Psychology of Extraordinary Sports Performance

Olympic Mind: An International Special Issue on The Psychology of Extraordinary Sports Performance

Performing the Biles 3 in gymnastics, running 100m in 9.58 seconds, or lifting 267 kg are just a few astonishing examples of world-record performances in Olympic sports. In 2024 the whole world will once again be able to testify ca. 10,500 athletes from 206 National Olympic Committees striving to perform at their very best in 32 different sports. Extraordinary sports performance is multifaceted relying on a well-trained body and a well-trained mind. In this special issue, we aim to uncover... / more

In Mind International has relaunched

In Mind International has relaunched

In Mind is a popular-science psychology journal that strives to make psychological knowledge accessible yet offer in-depth texts that relate results to different societal phenomena. The English version has been closed for submissions for a while due to staffing challenges, but still continues to reach many readers. Most find us via Google, and last year alone articles from the English language edition were shown about 8 million times in Google searches and the webpage had about 600 000 separate visits... / more

In-Mind International is relauching, and we are looking for people to join our team

In-Mind International is relauching, and we are looking for people to join our team

In-Mind is an online magazine that publishes articles on psychological topics that are of interest to a general audience. I recently took over as editor-in-chief of the international (English) version of the magazine. I am very excited for the task and am eager to begin to publish new content on the site. A lot is happening in the world as well as in the field of psychology, and I see this as a great opportunity to publish texts that are... / more

Why a New Popular Press Psychology Book Refrains from Giving Advice

Why a New Popular Press Psychology Book Refrains from Giving Advice

During this pandemic winter, many of us will be away from the people we love most. The absence of the physical presence of loved ones deprives us of hugs, physical touch, and feelings of physical and psychological warmth that no amount of Skype or Zoom ever seems to fully replace. In his forthcoming book, Heartwarming , one of the authors of this editorial (Rocha IJzerman) explores the science of why this is, a field called social thermoregulation. This science points... / more

How to bring the gezelligheid this pandemic winter into your home

How to bring the gezelligheid this pandemic winter into your home

One of the things we will miss possibly the most this pandemic winter in the Northern Hemisphere is gezelligheid [ɣəˈzɛləxɛit] . No real English equivalent of gezelligheid exists; the closest word in the English vernacular - coziness - still doesn’t capture the same feeling of intimacy and belonging. What does communicate a similar sentiment and is more familiar to US ears is the Danish concept hygge [hʊɡə] and the Swedish concept of lagom . Wikipedia describes gezelligheid as “'conviviality', 'coziness',... / more

Interview with Academics for Black Survival and Wellness

Interview with Academics for Black Survival and Wellness

"Academics cannot stay silent about anti-Black racism, nor can they remain silent in the face of racial violence and injustice. We need to engage in the critical work to dismantle anti-Black racism within ourselves, others, and in the system." - Jeannette Mejia, University of Florida Counseling Psychology Doctoral Student Over the last few weeks, much attention has been directed towards the violence and injustice Black people are facing. In an effort to encourage academics to practice anti-racism and foster welcoming... / more

Hoarding in science, no thanks. Openness and transparency in crisis mode and beyond

Hoarding in science, no thanks. Openness and transparency in crisis mode and beyond

During the current SARS-COV-2 pandemic, the scientific approach is thought to be unable to keep up with the rapid pace at which the crisis is spreading. After developing a research idea, it usually takes years to publish the results. Now, however, things need to move faster. One more reason to embrace open scientific practices. The SARS-COV-2 pandemic poses extreme challenges. How can we help those who have been isolated for weeks? Which vaccine can protect us against SARS-COV-2? What about... / more

Disaster is here, but the lawn looks good: Why we fail to act on the things that matter most

Disaster is here, but the lawn looks good: Why we fail to act on the things that matter most

Why you can’t stop climate change like you stop a pandemic, and what that has to do with mowing the lawn. We are in crisis, yet our day-to-day routines persist. While I was walking my dog the other day, I couldn’t help but notice how well-kept all the front yards looked. The lawns were mowed and the bushes were trimmed. Our ability to tend to the minor aspects of our lives while fighting to save our very way of being... / more

Technology-Facilitated Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (CSEA): the ‘Flaw in the Law’

Technology-Facilitated Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (CSEA): the ‘Flaw in the Law’

Recent figures suggest that the number of young people falling victim to sexual abuse online continues to rise. Given the substantial impact such experiences can have, we are challenging whether current legislation understands the true nature of such offending and reflects the actual harm caused. The rise in ‘online grooming’ According to recent figures published by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC), over 5,000 offenses of ‘online grooming’ were recorded in the 18 months prior... / more

Toward the LGBTQ+ Friendly Workplace: Are We There Yet?

Toward the LGBTQ+ Friendly Workplace: Are We There Yet?

Gender and sexual minorities in the United States still face discrimination and a number of challenges. What are the workplace experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals and is the modern organization LGBTQ+ friendly? Read more to find out. With the 50 th anniversary of the Stonewall riots marked by June of 2019, it is important to reflect on advances for the LGBTQ+ community over the past 50 years. The Stonewall riots, among many uprisings of the time, are largely considered the primary... / more