In the Shades of the Rings – Experiences of Interpersonal Violence in Elite Sports

Virtual reality training in Olympic sports: Promises and pitfalls

Unlocking the power of sports: the impact of Olympic values in prison rehabilitation

Psychological Aspects of Elite Performance in New Olympic Disciplines: The Case of Climbing

Editorial: Mastering the Olympic Mind - The psychology behind peak sports performance

Sleep before, during and after the Olympic Games: an important determinant of sports performance

Thinking gold: the link between cognition and performance in olympic athletes

The role of others' presence in sport performance under pressure

Use your breath to gain a performance advantage

Players behind the scenes: How parents join their children’s road to the Olympics

Essential Psychological Aspects of the Olympic Mind

There is no place like home – How the French crowd may impact the athletes at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games

Heart Rate Variability (HRV): How Olympic athletes can use the heart-mind connection to boost their performance

“Keeping the Olympic Flame Burning”: Protecting Athletes from Burnout in Sport
