16 results for „body concern“
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magazine issue | 02/2012
“Look in my eyes. I said in my eyes!”: Antecedents and Consequences of (Self-) Objectification
... type of appearance focus that is centered on the sexualized body. Sexual objectification consists in considering an individual as a body, ... could lead to dehumanization and diminished moral concern. The following section details these consequences. Sexual ... / more
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magazine issue | 07/2007
From Heavens to Hells to Heroes
... emotionally involved with any of us; a kind of “detached concern” for their welfare charges. And then night fell. Having not done ... to consider is that line being permeable, like cells of our body that allow movement of chemicals across their boundaries. Any thing that ... / more
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magazine issue | 06/2007
Five Social Psychology Essentials
... cooperative appear in other chapters, but rarely as a core concern. In Social Psychology, David Myers (2002) adds in a postscript that ... course should emphasize how social psychology’s body of knowledge demonstrates the importance of both individuality and ... / more
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Why do people help strangers when disaster strikes?
... 28, 1342-1353. LaPierre, S. (2013, May 8). Broken body, unbroken spirit [Video file]. Retrieved from ... R. (2010). Helping behavior, dispositional empathic concern , and the principle of care. Social Psychology Quarterly, 73, 11-32. ... / more
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magazine issue | 10/2014
The influential child: It is not all up to the parents
... induced. How can genes affect anything other than the body in which they reside? By affecting an individual's behavior, which in turn ... with girls, less parental sympathy and empathic concern and more corporal punishment (Jenkins, Rasbash, & O'Connor, 2003; ... / more
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magazine issue | 10/2014
The influential child: It is not all up to the parents
... induced. How can genes affect anything other than the body in which they reside? By affecting an individual's behavior, which in turn ... with girls, less parental sympathy and empathic concern and more corporal punishment (Jenkins, Rasbash, & O'Connor, 2003; ... / more
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Blog Post
Gender equity in science: Achievement unlocked?
... results; they are actually consistent with a large body of previous work (e.g., Dovidio & Gaertner, 2000) demonstrating that ... aspiring to the STEM professorate would have no cause for concern. But this isn’t always the case, and things get trickier when we ... / more
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Foetus or child? Language and attitudes toward abortion
... may be given the “right to make a decision concerning her body” or “spread lethal culture” by “murdering the unborn”. On closer ... 1980). The results also have crucial implications for moral concern among the medical practitioners (cf. Vaes & Muratore, 2013). Terms used ... / moreHere you can search the entire InMind magazine for any content of your choice. You can reduce your search results by selecting one or more filter options in the right column.