4 results for „motor simulation“
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magazine issue | 10/2007
On Mirror Neurons or Why it is Okay to be a Couch Potato
... of our movements. The premotor cortex is connected to the motor cortex which controls our muscles and therefore movements. Thanks to the ... Gallese, V. & Goldman, A., (1998). Mirror neurons and the simulation theory of mind -reading. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 12, ... / more
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magazine issue | 04/2014
Grasping the grounded nature of mental simulation
“Mental simulation”—interacting mentally with an object—is an important part of ... one of the more commonly studied forms of simulation is motor simulation , or the simulation of action from a visual cue . ... been instrumental in providing behavioral support for motor simulation . Because mental simulation within the grounded ... / more
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magazine issue | 06/2024
Psychological Aspects of Elite Performance in New Olympic Disciplines: The Case of Climbing
... on climbing focused on physiological parameters, motor skills such as grip strength and endurance, biomechanical aspects, and ... affordances climb into your mind: advantages of motor simulation in a memory task performed by novice and expert rock ... / more
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magazine issue | 09/2024
How body language helps us understand other people’s emotions
... for different emotions. I feel what you feel: Simulation theory What underlying neural mechanisms can explain how we use ... neurons. Initial experiments had shown that neurons in motor parts of the brain of macaques were not just activated when reaching for ... / moreHere you can search the entire InMind magazine for any content of your choice. You can reduce your search results by selecting one or more filter options in the right column.