Does parental disapproval lead to love or dissolution? The Romeo and Juliet effect vs. the social network effect
social networks / influence / Romeo and Juliet / disapproval / defiance / destiny / romantic relationship / love / family / friendship
Does parental disapproval lead to love or dissolution? The Romeo and Juliet effect vs. the social network effect
In this post, I assert that two opposing theories about how opinions friends and family hold affect one’s romantic relationship (Romeo and Juliet effect vs. social network effect) can actually coexist. Though there is little empirical support for the Romeo and Juliet effect, current research demonstrates that this effect may exist in certain circumstances. / more
Family Honour and the Purity of the Family’s Essence: A Relational Models Approach

communal relations / family / honour cultures
Family Honour and the Purity of the Family’s Essence: A Relational Models Approach
In cultures where honour is valued, chastity is one of the codes for honour. When this code is violated, the honour of the family is threatened. Relational Models Theory (Fiske, 1992) contributes to an understanding of this phenomenon. It posits that people often represent their families as sharing a common essence whose purity needs to be protected. According to the laws of sympathetic magic, contact and similarity are two conditions through which contamination of the essence... / more