Tilting at windmills: How conspiracy theories hinder climate action and what to do about it

Conspiracy belief / conspiracy theories / conspiracy mentality / climate change / climate protection
Tilting at windmills: How conspiracy theories hinder climate action and what to do about it
Conspiracy theories about climate change are common. People who believe in them show less climate-friendly attitudes and behaviors. But there are ways to reduce the impact of conspiracy theories in the context of climate action. / more
Climate Stress in Everyday Life: How Can We Support Children?

climate change / climate crisis / mental health / children and adolescents / coping with emotions
Climate Stress in Everyday Life: How Can We Support Children?
The climate crisis leads to significant changes in nature and ultimately in our society challenging all of us. Children and adolescents are particularly vulnerable in their mental processing, as well as physically, due to their socially dependent position. How can we support them in dealing with this major challenge in their lives? We present current scientific findings related to the lives of young people. How can we support children in coping with climate stress? A team of psychologists explains. / more
Never fear, a moral expert is here
Never fear, a moral expert is here
Editorial Assitant: Stella Wernicke Note: This article was already reviewed and is published in the German version of In-Mind. Can I read the diaries of my deceased daughter? Can I tell a friend's family that they have a drug problem, even if they have asked me to keep it quiet? Many people are confronted with tricky moral decision-making situations in the course of their lives and seek the advice of friends, family members, or even experts. But is... / more