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keyword "stereotypes"

Context matters: Why women are not worse negotiators than men

Context matters: Why women are not worse negotiators than men

Mastering the art of negotiation is key to being successful in everyday life and in a highly competitive and dynamic professional world. One widespread belief among laypeople is that women are inferior negotiators compared to men. Such gender stereotypes can hold women back from achieving their goals, and ultimately lead to lower income levels and poorer career prospects. But is this stereotype true? / more

To which gender’s disadvantage are school grades biased – girls or boys?

To which gender’s disadvantage are school grades biased – girls or boys?

School grades do not only provide students with feedback on their current performance, they also determine the chances of admission to universities and the success of job applications. The question of whether teachers evaluate irrespective of gender is therefore very important. Traditionally, the issue of gender fairness has mostly focused on discrimination against girls. In recent decades, however, there has been much media debate about whether...

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Just a compliment? Why positive gender stereotypes can be more harmful than they seem

Just a compliment? Why positive gender stereotypes can be more harmful than they seem

Most people would probably agree that “women can’t drive” is a sexist statement. But what about saying that “women are nurturing”? Isn’t that just a nice compliment? At first glance, these kinds of gender stereotypes often appear relatively harmless. In reality, they are anything but: seemingly positive gender stereotypes play a crucial role in reinforcing traditional gender roles...

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Girls will be girls, boys will be bossy

Girls will be girls, boys will be bossy

The word bossy has been heavily discussed recently, thanks, at least in part, to the Ban Bossy campaign. To date, this debate has centered on why women get called bossy. But what about men? In this blog post, I will share some new research on the word bossy, and what happens when both men and women act bossy, specifically within a workplace context. / more

Bleeding-heart liberals and hard-hearted conservatives: Political dehumanization in the United States

Bleeding-heart liberals and hard-hearted conservatives: Political dehumanization in the United States

My previous blog post covered new research showing that liberals and conservatives are prejudiced against one another to an equal degree. In this post, I will review evidence that liberals’ and conservatives’ prejudices lead them to dehumanize their political opponents—that is, to see them as less than human. / more

After Trayvon: The science of protecting innocent black men

After Trayvon: The science of protecting innocent black men

Even though the death of Trayvon Martin drew much public attention in the last year and a half, the shooting of an unarmed, innocent black male is in no way an isolated case in America. Jonathan Ferrell, a 24-year-old African-American man in Florida, was recently killed by police officers when he was looking for help after crashing his car. Roy Middleton, a 60-year-old Florida man, was crippled after the sheriff’s deputies mistook him for a car thief and shot him... / more

Are Blonds Really Dumb?

Are Blonds Really Dumb?

Blonds are dumb, foreigners lazy, women can't do math. We continuously encounter such statements in our every-day lives – even if most people obviously wouldn’t take them seriously. Nevertheless, we often act towards others as if they were members of a particular group and nothing more. The bases for such behaviors are stereotypes and prejudices. Stereotypes are subjective views about the characteristics, attitudes, and behaviors of the members of a particular group.... / more

Are Stereotypes True?

Are Stereotypes True?

Are African Americans really better at basketball than Caucasians? Are blonds really dumber than brunettes? Are women really worse at math than men? The short answer is yes. The longer answer is no. Let me explain by focusing on the stereotype that women can’t do math. At first glance, this stereotype seems to be true. For instance, men continue to outperform women on the math sections of the SAT and GRE, and... / more

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