Evolution of Religion

First of all, present research has shown universal patterns and predictions about deities, how people structure the supernatural world and what traits their deities have. In general, these findings support and complement the general conclusion that deities are a construct created almost automatically (assuming that people have an awareness of cause and effect). These constructs are further expanded and colored by myths. The popularity of various myths is likely to be affected by our innate fascination for counterintuitive features. Based on these ideas, religions grow and aid people in fulfilling their second function: fulfilling powerful and universal needs such as giving a sense of belonging or meaningful existence, amongst others.

Many sociologists have long attempted to push through the secularization hypothesis – religions were to disappear as a function of modernization. According to the basic, universal psychological features we all hold, it appears that in some sort of form, religions are here to stay. Where would we as humans be without the rituals and traditions of religions? Even though they may come in different forms, it seems very unlikely that we will stop praising (a) god. Perhaps it will be a Buddha within, perhaps it will be Allah, but the basic cognitive structures and needs – they will remain what they are.


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